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Rovic Orchard Sprayers
15 March 2021
12 July 2021
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Venturi Atomizers

Cima offers a full range of horticultural sprayers for every crop, including Vineyard, Citrus, Subtropical, Tobacco and vegetables. The Phd study conducted at the university of Stellenbosch confirmed the superior efficiency of venture technology of the Cima in vineyard

For more than 30 years Rovic Leers have been the distributor of the popular sulphur duster from Cima in Italy. The envy of its competitors, the S420 duster with hopper capacity of 200 litres is ideally suited for both vineyard and vegetable operation. To ensure long field service and ease of operation the tank is manufactured from polyethylene giving high impact and UV resistance, and the strong frame epoxy coated to resist corrosion and chemical aggression. The simple calibration system, mechanical-pneumatic delivery, various spray-head configurations and triturating mechanical agitator make this the most practical duster for all applications

Cima – 3-Point Centrifugal (Cima 300 – 600l)


Cima – Trailed Centrifugal (Cima 1000 – 2000l)